Distributed on around 20 web applications, the Institute makes its IT services available to several of these internal users but especially to tens of thousands of externals which daily operate on them.
With the intention of renewing and standardizing its services, IZSAM has recently highlighted the following specific needs.
The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "Giuseppe Caporale" (IZSAM) is a public health institute which operates as a technical and scientific arm of the state and the Abruzzo and Molise Regions, performing analytical work for the public veterinary services and providing the technical and scientific collaboration necessary to enable them to carry out their functions in the field of veterinary public health.
With respect to the 100 employees of the late 80s, today IZSAM can count on about 500 units.
With the proposed solution, ASL CN1 has achieved a scalable, robust and secure authentication and identity management system that meets the needs of thousands of users.
The Open Source selection resulted in Apache Syncope and Tirasa, which provided ts activities to support the Army staff in building the best IdM system possible, for their own specific needs.
Being aware of how fundamental it is to manage identities and user permissions on applications at the core of our infrastructure, we have started a long-running process to rebuild our approach on top of Cloud Computing and best-of-breed software components, with help by Tirasa to streamline Apache Syncope. (Team Lead at Gordon Food Service)
Provisioning is involved with managing the internal data sources and external via specific connectors for representation of users, groups and attributes. This component often needs to be tailored to meet the requirements of a specific deployment. The enterprise support of Tirasa, gave us the manageability, scalability and flexibility to connect and protect millions of consumers at enterprise customers
The authentication infrastructure based on Apache Syncope allows dynamic management and continuous monitoring of access permissions to the application services offered by the Ministry.
Tirasa built for Nivo1 a full-blown, integrated, IAM platform based on the Open Source tools as Apache Syncope and Apereo CAS, granting full control, on customer base, to both user lifecycle and differentiated authentication and authorization. This combination of tools gives Nivo1 a distinct competitive advantage.
Currently the whole infrastructure, based on Apache Syncope, manages about 5.000 users, periodically synchronized with HR.
We choose Apache Syncope to carry out the provisioning and account management role as part of our authorization platform, due to its simplicity and flexible adoption to the product needs. Another important consideration was the knowledge and excellent support provided by the Tirasa team
Tirasa provided timely support and always followed up to ensure that all issues were resolved to satisfaction.
Stichting Bibliotheek.nl is very content with Apache Syncope as a product and intends to extend its services based on it.
SURFnet is currently planning how to include Syncope it in its identity management and collaboration middleware for provisioning / deprovisioning needs.
SWM is very satisfied with both the community and the commercial support of Tirasa.
We have had a few years to get to know Apache Syncope and have gained some in-depth knowledge of its use. For this, the support provided by Tirasa has been a vital aid. We have received help in the form of, for instance, code examples providing a preview of the implementation, as well as solutions to configuration problems and quick fixes to any errors we have discovered.
Users can log in via SPID, thanks to the functional extension developed by Tirasa.
Currently, the U.Porto is the most international of Portugal’s universities thanks to its active cooperation with hundreds of higher education institutions worldwide. The ambition now is to establish the U.Porto as one of the top 100 universities in the world by 2020.
The UShareSoft UForge Identity management service, is based on Apache Syncope, which was expressly chosen for it's richly defined and complete RESTful API.
Managing the complexity of identity flows across ships and shore is an extremely delicate and involved task: we did choose Open Source software to rule them all. Trusting Tirasa to build our Identity and Access Management system was simply refreshing.