Open Source Image Tirasa

and physical
access management

Our solution offers the possibility to control from a single point all accesses to both logical (web applications) and physical (turnstiles, electronic locks, biometric devices) resources, supporting Single Sign On (SSO), RFID tags and strong authentication.

secure management

From a single console you can manage the full lifecycle of accounts owned by users: create, update, request and approval, assignments and certifications, enable / disable.

Single Sign-On

Managing credentials and permissions is becoming increasingly difficult due to the proliferation of new applications. Our solution allows to configure, in a single point, access control in order to allow the validation of the most different types of user credentials, and single sign-on access to the various web applications available.
OAuth 2.0
OpenID Connect
SAML 2.0
Our solution is 100% compliant with industry standard protocols for authentication, authorization and federation either in the Cloud or on-premises.
image storage
Open Source
code safe and robust
Thanks to strong development and release policies and to communities rich of international experts, we can guarantee very high quality on code, compliance with international standards and timely management of security threats.
Need more?
Looking for more?
We can build
your tailored project
A solution completely tailored on your needs: Centralized Management, HR Synchronization, automated Provisioning, mailbox and home directory management, Permissions, Single Sign-On Access and many other features!
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Read the stories of who did already choose Tirasa for digital identities
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