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Starting with recent SNAPSHOTs releases of 1.2.0, it has become fairly easy to call Apache Syncope via REST from your...
Today we see how to create a user without saving the password in the Apache Syncope repository. The user password wil...
389 Directory Server is an Open Source LDAP server by Fedora, valid alternative to other implementations like as Apac...
My work companion is still the good old HP Envy 14 1100 that I wrote about a while ago: it is getting old after 2 yea...
Shared Folders are used to manage shared resources over a network. Users may specify folders to share with other comp...
Wow, today I learned a wonderful thing: the ldif syntax to rename an ldap/AD entry. If you want to rename "mario.ross...
Yesterday my dearest Siduction made me dist-upgrade to latest Linux kernel 3.10. I must admit I was a bit afraid at f...

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