1.2.0 brings enhancements in several areas: REST, workflow, notifications, resource management, ...

According to the discussions being held on the public development mailing list, the place where any project at The Apache Software Foundation - well, the right place for any actual Open Source project - is driven, the release of Apache Syncope 1.2.0 Intermezzo is seriously approaching: let's take a quick look at what it is coming with.

GUI installer 

Apache Syncope 1.2.0 finally provides a simple way to create and maintain a custom project, configure some properties - like as the RDBMS for internal storage - and deploy to one of supported Java EE containers.


DEB packages 

As recently reported, .deb packages are available for easy deployment on Debian GNU / Linux and Ubuntu.


Besides the XML editor available since previous versions, a new graphical editor based on Activiti Modeler is now provided, allowing easier workflow management from within the Syncope web admin console.

Activiti is also supported to its latest version 5.16.


After making the non-standard Spring-MVC interface deprecated in 1.1.0, the RESTful interface has been extensively improved:

  • JAX-RS 2.0 via Apache CXF 3.0
  • JAX-RS search via Feed Item Query Language
  • Support for Prefer header
  • Support for ETag header
  • Returning error information via X-Application-Error-Code and X-Application-Error-Info
  • Live documentation, dynamically generated from WADL - check a preview here
  • Java client library (as blogged a while ago)

External resource management

  • Fine-grain control over the relationship among internal entities (say users) and external accounts: (un)link, (un)associate, (de)provision
  • Pass-through authentication: flexible authentication of Syncope REST services and admin console against internal storage or one of connected resources
  • Support for synchronizing and propagating non-cleartext values - allowing to manage encrypted passwords from external resources
  • ConnId


  • Various notification improvements
  • Support for binary and encrypted values - either for users, roles and memberships
  • Logback replaced by Apache Log4j 2 with its insane performance
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