This morning I was looking at access statistics of, after yesterday great HOWTO about how to synchronize Active Directory and relational databases by using Syncope.

This morning I was looking at access statistics of, after yesterday great HOWTO about how to synchronize Active Directory and relational databases by using Syncope.

Anyway, I've noticed a backlink from an external website, basically a review of currently available open source IdM systems: as you can read from there, MidPoint (i.e. OpenIDM v1) is " IDM product of choice".

This sentence shouldn't surprise, since nLight - the publisher of such review - "took significant part in establishing a new company: Evolveum" and "Evolveum is an open-source development company. It is developing midPoint, a next-generation Identity Management product". (Read the source of these citations from the original page).

However, it seems that Syncope was good enough even from their non-completely-fair point of view: their final word about Syncope states "Yet, currently Syncope seems to be probably the most usable open source system available".

Oh, yeah.

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