Java Connector Server is a component that handles Java Connectors bundles. When a Java Connector Bundle is not directly executed into Provisioning System (Apache Syncope), you need to use a remote Java Connector Server.
ConnId Connector Server is a component that handles ConnId Connectors bundles. When a Java Connector Bundle is not directly executed into Provisioning System (Apache Syncope), you need to use a remote Connector Server.
Provisiong System is responsible for managing the profiling of users and roles, and use the Connector Server through the bundles to comunicate with the remote resources.
To install a Connector Server you must perform the following steps:
Otherwise you can run the ConnId Connector Server manually:
java -cp "c:\connid-connector-server\lib\framework\connid-framework.jar;c:\connid-connector-server\lib\framework\connid-framework-internal.jar;c:\connid-connector-server\lib\framework\groovy-all.jar" org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main -run -properties c:\connid-connector-server\conf\
Your Java Connector Server is running. Enjoy :)