At the end of this month, Oracle will drop premium support for Oracle Waveset (former Sun IdM) and OpenSSO (former Sun Access Manager), thus leaving thousands of organizations all around the world in difficulties with their secure IAM infrastructure.
Hopefully many have already planned carefully their migration to new platform(s) - some of them to Oracle counterparts, naturally; but what if you are still considering what is the most suitable alternative?
The staff at Tirasa designed and deployed IAM solutions based on Sun products since 2005, and took this as starting point for conceiving Apache Syncope; today we are expert in Open Source IAM technologies and we can assist you in evaluating and designing your next IAM infrastructure.
While Apache Syncope does not share a single line of code with former Sun IdM, it is built on the same foundation concepts, and features ConnId, the latest evolution of original Sun Identity Connector Framework - which could allow you to save investments made in the past.
If the Sun IAM products EOL has you wondering what’s next, drop an e-mail, we can help you.