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Apache Syncope and Active Directory, an enduring relationship born years ago
Starting with 2.0.3, Apache Syncope provides native integration with Flowable BPM, the raising star of Open Source wo...
Following the first post on this topic - which introduced some testing tools for the Apache Syncope Enduser UI - this...
Since Apache Syncope 2.0.3, a new feature is available to easily customize the Enduser UI's form
From Pescara to Bruxelles, Porto, Helsinki and back to Pescara again: when Open Source IdM (also) means face-to-face ...
Configure Apereo CAS to submit authentication requests to a remote REST endpoint. Nothing to do with the native CAS R...
The new Log Viewer allows to remotely inspect the log events occurring in the Apache Syncope Core
Istituzione di riferimento per l'Educazione Superiore e la Ricerca Scientifica in Portogallo sceglie la Gestione dell...

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