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Il framework di provisioning usato da Apache Syncope si sposta su github e Atlassian OnDemand
Il nostro caro amministratore unico, non so se vi ho mai raccontato la storia che il detto "più unico che raro" è nat...
The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the availability of the fourth maintenance release of Espressivo, the fi...
5-8 Nov, Sinsheim (Germania): il nostro staff alla sua prima conferenza ASF
Maybe it is a not a common usecase, but I've just had need to know the content type of a bare byte[ ]. After been sea...
Apache Syncope user mailing list has been recently discussing about "virtual resources", e.g. resources to be used li...
The second maintenance release is made available by the Apache Syncope team. The release is available here. See relea...
Federations in MS SQL Azure are a way to achieve greater scalability and performance from the database tier of your a...

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