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Quando si tratta di gestione dell’Identità Digitale, la continuità operativa è fondamentale. Un malfunzionamento, un ...
Create, build and activate a custom module for an Apache2 HTTP Server.
Open data & mobility: hot topics, in Open Source flavor.
There are lots of ways of documenting RESTful APIs in Java: just google a bit and you will find the nice Enunciate an...
Maybe it is a not a common usecase, but I've just had need to know the content type of a bare byte[ ]. After been sea...
Will you ever think to deploy a webapp based on the most diffuse and popular Apache Cocoon version (2.1) onto the mos...
Syncope recently gained official support for Glassfish 3.1.1: since the JPA layer did - again recently - move to Apac...
When writing Java code relying on Spring and JPA, you may eventually come to the need of some scheduling; since Quart...
Syncope needs a new workflow engine, for many good reasons: here's why I've started playing around with Activiti. Act...
I recently presented some aspects of the renewed Apache Cocoon power through its latest (and not yet completed) relea...

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