Apache Syncope

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The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the availability of the seventh maintenance release of Espressivo. The r...
The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the availability of the sixth maintenance release of Espressivo. The rel...
Ecco il codice per creare un tooltip in Apache Wicket senza l'uso di Javascript.
Dopo aver visto come configurare OpenAM per ottenere un modulo di autenticazione che faccia Single Sign On su un Acti...
Questo sarà il primo, di una serie di post, che avranno, come punto di arrivo, la realizzazione di un overlay di Sync...
The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the availability of the fourth maintenance release of Espressivo, the fi...
Apache Syncope user mailing list has been recently discussing about "virtual resources", e.g. resources to be used li...
The second maintenance release is made available by the Apache Syncope team. The release is available here. See relea...
After the 1.0.0-incubating, the first maintenance release is made available by the Apache Syncope team. The release i...
After 7 months of work the Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the final release of the first stable version sin...

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